Monday, July 19, 2010

26.2 .....In Their Shoes

I have been thinking about this blog for a while now. I wanted to write it last weekend, but I just couldn’t bring myself to doing it. Not because I didn’t have the time or because I didn’t want to, but because I didn’t really know what to say, which translates into nothing to write. I know what you’re thinking…..Heather not know what to say?? It’s not possible! :)

Sure, I could have written about how many miles I ran and biked over the last few weeks. I could have written about how my body is starting to feel tired and sometimes a little sore, how I have blisters on my blisters, I need new running socks, new shoes, how I need to start thinking about a game plan for this race, or I could have written about how (typical of me) I procrastinated in starting to train and I am feeling a little anxious about this distance. I could have written about all, or any, of that but really, do you want to read another blog regurgitating all of those bland and mundane things? Me either! And I definitely don’t want to sit down and write about all of that boring stuff! :) So, I have been stuck for the last week with no inspiration for my writing…..until Wednesday.

Wednesday, I was feeling a little overwhelmed, for all of the above listed reasons. It was getting to be the end of my work day and while walking to my car I was having an internal discussion with myself about running after work, to run or not to run, that was the question. My kids had been with their dad for the previous 12 days, so I had had the extremely rare opportunity of working out for hours at a time for consecutive days and had taken full advantage of that. Because of this, as well as other contributing factors, I was feeling a little tired and worn out and my last two runs had felt just kind of blah. So, that internal dialog went kind of like this; “Ahhhhh, work is over! Now, to run. Oh, but I feel a little worn down right now, maybe I will just go home tonight and go to bed early instead. No, the kids are coming home in a couple of days and I will get a break then, I should go run. Maybe I will just do a short run, put in a couple of easy miles tonight. No, I’ve been putting off a longer run for days, 7 miles minimum, I can rest on Friday”……and you get the picture! :)

In the days previous to this, overall, I had been feeling very upbeat about the whole full marathon adventure. I have had amazing support from friends and family, I have lots of new music for my ipod (with special thanks to Penny!) and a picture of Ace to keep me going when I felt like stopping. I also had a huge boost to my motivation with reminders through Sam’s/Tiff’s blogs (Operation Jack) in which they talk about the difficulties that Autism has brought to their beautiful son, Jack, and their family, and all of the Love they have for Jack. And my own family, whose love for Ace I get to experience first hand and whose immense amount of love and support for me has been almost overwhelming (in a really great way)! Then add the fact that OJ just received $20,000 from Chase Community Giving and I was overflowing with emotion and motivation! But, at the same time, I am human…..and I was feeling a little sorry for myself. Like I said, I was feeling tired, a little worn out and my runs just didn’t have much energy behind them, hence the internal debate about taking a night off (knowing full well that I have three days of easy work outs right around the corner). Then something happened. I was walking to my car, still trying to talk myself out of talking myself out of a run, and it hit me like a ton of bricks….I’m going for a run!

The thing that hit me was this….I can choose! I have the choice, I get to weigh my options and decide what I want to do. So I decided that I was going to run for exactly that reason, because I could choose not to run. I know, Huh?!

I started thinking about Sam and Tiff and their family and about Ace and my own family and all of the trials and difficulties they face when dealing with Autism. They don’t have a choice when it comes to dealing with the effects of Autism on their daily lives and the choices they have to make daily. And the boys don’t have a choice when it comes to their trials in daily life. When they are feeling overwhelmed, they don’t get to have an internal dialog and weigh the options on how to deal with those feelings. I thought about what it would be like to be in their shoes, for even just one day, and deal with the trials they have to deal with every day. So, I decided I was going to run, because I could choose not to!

I did run Wednesday night. I drove myself to the gym and ran on the treadmill for 7 miles and I felt great! When I was finished running, I took a quick shower to rinse off, put on my swimsuit and swam a handful of laps in the pool as well. I left feeling revived and ready to start a new week of training.

Since then, the kids have come home from their Dad’s house and this weekend we have just hung out and did a little swimming. The last few days I have taken it easy, my blisters have healed, I have gotten a little extra rest and my body feels strong again. Tuesday I start adding a morning workout to my schedule and I have a couple of more weeks to push for some longer running distances. I’m feeling good and confident again.

I’m going to be completely honest, this distance is intimidating for me and I am a little scared. But, I know that I can do it and will do it. I will finish 26.2 miles. It may take me a long time, but I will finish. And anytime I am feeling tired and sore and feel like I can’t finish it, all I have to do is think about the fact that I only have to get through 26.2 miles without the choice of giving up, all I have to do is think “26.2 and then I can choose”. I will finish, I will hurt and it will be hard, but I will finish. It isn’t much, but the very least I can do to honor those two beautiful little boys and their amazing families is this, I can choose to run 26.2… their shoes.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

This one's for you Aceyboo!

It's official!! I am now a registered participant for the Park City Marathon on August 21, 2010! My first ever full marathon. Those of you who follow my little blog will remember that last August, as I trained for my first ever half marathon, I heard about a Sam Felsenfeld and his charity, Operation Jack. Sam's son Jack has autism and Sam was going to attempt to run 60 marathons in 2010 to raise money for Train 4 Autism ( My ultimate goal at that time was to train for and run a full marathon in 2010 and so I went online and checked out Sam's race schedule, only to find that he was running the Park City Marathon in August of 2010. At that time I thought it would be the perfect opportunity to not only meet my own goal of running a marathon, but also a fabulous opportunity to help support an incredible cause. So, although I could not officially register for the Park City Marathon at that time, I immediately committed myself mentally and publicly to run with Sam and Operation Jack in Park City.

When I made that commitment I had no idea how special this race would eventually come to be for me. Just three months later a very special person came back into my life. I had not had contact with him or his family for over 20 years and a lucky twist of fate brought them back into my life once again. And with that blessing of family comes a very special boy, Ace. Ace has autism. And watching all the love and commitment, time and energy that his family gives to making sure he gets everything he needs to succeed has touch my heart in a way that I could have never imagined. There are definitely challenges, but his family rises to meet each challenge head on. Ace is a smart, energetic and happy little boy and a blessing to all who have the privilege to be a part of his life. I am lucky to know that I now have the opportunity to be among those who love him and am proud to have the privilege to race this marathon to honor such a beautiful little guy.

I have not only made the commitment to run this marathon, and now will be running in honor of Ace, but I have also set a goal of raising $500 for Train 4 Autism. I have two months left to train and I would like to ask for all of your support, not only in cheering me on to my own goal, which I will desperately need! :) But also, in the next two months, if you gave up just one carmel frappachino (my favorite!) went to my donation page,, and donated that $5 to support this fantastic cause, Train 4 Autism, I would be very grateful!

I am very excited for this adventure and am looking forward to my first full marathon! I will post regular updates on my training, so watch for those and share this special journey with me!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Running with the Lions Recap

Race: 2nd annual Running with the Lions 5K/1K
Distance: 5K/1K
Where: Woods Cross, Utah
Time: Just for fun!

As I mentioned in my last post, Running with the Lions is the annual fundraiser 5K for the kids' school. This year I was on the planning committee and suggested that we add a 1K fun run for the younger kids. Since it was my suggestion I took on the planning and running of the 1K. There is a pathway that goes around the park that was the perfect distance and great for keeping the kids safe, not to mention the planning was made easy for me. We had volunteers standing at different spots on the course to help cheer on the kids and make sure we didn't lose any of them. So, at 8:55 am we had all of the kids line up at the start line and I got to start the first Legacy Preparatory Academy Running with the Lions 1K fun run!
But, let's back up a little.....The morning was very cold and wet, it had poured rain all night. Prior to the race I told Zayd that he should not wear the shoes he had on, that they were not going to be good for running and that they would not keep his feet warm. But, what do I know? I'm just a mom! :) So, I gave up the fight and let him wear the shoes he wanted. And guess what? Within 10 minutes of being at the park and setting up for the race, Zayd's feet were wet and cold and he was grumpy and wouldn't stop complaining. All I heard for the next 30 minutes was "my feet are wet and cold", "I'm going to get frost bite if we don't leave now", "my toes hurt, I can't run". Of course, this was all accompanied with tears and a whiny voice (no idea where he gets that from) and needless to say, I was getting more and more impatient with him. I could not leave even if I wanted to, I had a 1K to run. So, he kept complaining and I kept ignoring him.

If you read about our first 1K run as a family (Cupid's 1K on Valentine's Day) you will remember that after the 1K, in which Allayna had left Zayd and I in the dust, Allayna was all smiles and eager to begin running with me and Zayd was grumpy, I believe his exact quote was "I will never do this again". But despite this, both kids had decided that they wanted to run the 1K with me, even Zayd. At this point, Zayd was about as eager to run as he was at the finish of the Cupid's race, but lined up at the start line anyway, still complaining and carrying on about his frost bit feet.

Giving the last call over the megaphone for the 1K kids to line up and waiting for the last couple of kids to get their bibs on, I lined up at the start. Two minutes later, we were off! I let all of the kids pass and stayed at the back to run with the smallest/slowest runners to cheer them on and make sure no one felt left behind. Zayd "ran" behind us, pulling up the end with a slouched trot and grumpy face! Allayna took off at the front of the pack and finished fourth. And that was the 1K. All of the kids (except Zayd) had a fantastic time and even those running at the end with me felt proud that they finished and had smiles on their faces as the crossed the finish line to the cheers of the crowd!

Oh, but wait, our story does not end there! Allayna was cold but all smiles at the end and once again waited at the finish to cheer on her brother. Zayd was cold and all frowns and still going on about his feet and how he was in pain and ready to leave. Allayna had said early in the week that she may want to run the 5K so I told Zayd I had to find out if she still wanted to and either way I couldn't leave just yet, there were a few details I had to take care of before we could go. Allayna decided that she was too cold and didn't want to run the 5K after all, so I told Zayd to hang out for a few more minutes and once they started the 5K we would go. And then, out of nowhere, I got the shock of my life! Zayd turns to me and says "My feet are hurting because they are cold and I don't really want to, but I'll run the 5K with you". WHAT?! It took me a minute to process this new revelation. Of course, I wasn't in the mood to run a 5K listening to him complain the whole way about his feet or worse that he can't go any further and I have to carry him back! I tried to explain to him that it was over 3 miles and that once he started he had to finish and again he said "I don't want to, but I will run it with you." Hearing this, I again said no, that I didn't want him to run it just because he thought I wanted to run it and I wasn't going to force him to run if he didn't like it. Right at this time they started calling for the start of the 5K and he started walking over to the start line, complaining about his feet the whole way and looking as grumpy as ever. I figured he would stand at the start and decide at the last minute he wasn't going to run, so I gave Allayna the keys to the car so she could warm up and talked with another mom about keeping an eye out for her....and walked to the start where Zayd was waiting. I told him to line up in the back so that we would not be in the way of the faster runners.

And then the race started. And Zayd started running, yelling at me to hurry up he didn't want to be in the back! I caught up to him and told him to slow down a little, he had a long way to go and he needed to pace himself, so he did and fell into pace with me. And we ran. I kept wondering when he was going to poop out and just plop himself onto the ground and say he was done, but he didn't. About three quarters of a mile in he asked if we could walk, so we did. And we talked. I told him that he was doing great and asked if he was having fun and if his feet still hurt. Yes, his feet still hurt, but funny thing happened in that moment, his grumpy face wasn't there anymore. He wasn't quite smiling, but he wasn't grumpy either. Then another runner past us and he said "I'm ready to run again, I don't want to be last". So we ran....and we walked...and we ran. Each time he wanted to walk I pointed out a point in the distance and said "run to the blue mailbox and we'll walk" "run to the second fire hydrant and we'll walk" and he did. And the more we ran, the more he smiled! I kept telling him how great he was doing, encouraging him and cheering him on. When we got to the last quarter mile he said "lets run the rest of the way without walking and let's run a little faster" and we did. I slowed up at the end and let him cross the line alone and in front of me. And there at the finish line was his sister, all smiles, cheering him on!

And that was Zayd's first 5K! At the finish line I was all smiles too, because I got to run it with him! The unfortunate thing is, that in my inability to believe that he would actually run the race, I forgot to start my watch, so we don't have an official time for his first 5K, but he ran it in just under 30 minutes, right about 28 minutes! Way to go Zayd! I'm so incredibly proud of you!

Oh, but wait! Our story does not end there! After we finished the race, he grabbed a granola bar, banana and water and happily ate them, going on and on about how much fun he had and what a "great day this turned out to be". We listened to the live band and both he and Allayna helped draw names for the raffle. Zayd ended up winning a gift certificate for Great Harvest Bread, where they sell his favorite, pumpkin chocolate chip bread, and if you can believe it, his mood improved even more! :) We helped clean up at the end and once we were done Zayd turned to me and said "Mom, will you run the 1K with me again? Right now?" How could I say no? So, we did. We lined up at the start and we ran the 1K again and he didn't stop to walk the entire way! At the end he turned to me and said "I think I want running shoes for my birthday so I can run more races with you". I think I may have blacked out at that point! :)

After the race, we drove to the Great Harvest Bread and picked up our loaf of pumpkin chocolate chip bread and the entire drive Zayd kept saying "this turned out to be a pretty great day after all". Yes it did, buddy! Yes it did!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Running with the Lions

The countdown is on! Two more days and the kids and I will be Running with the Lions! It is our next running adventure together and it sounds very dangerous and exciting doesn't it? Well, exciting, yes, very much so....dangerous? Not so much.

Running with the Lions is the annual 5K fundraiser run for the kids' school and this year I have been lucky enough to be on the planning committee. The exciting part is that at my suggestion we have added a kids 1K run and I have been in charge of planning and executing this run. So not only will I get to run my second 1K of the year with the kiddos, but I got to be in charge of it as well. Very exciting for me as well as a great learning experience which I will put to use planning the 5K I have coming up this summer for my NF families...but I will save that for another blog!

The whole event should be a lot of fun, we will have a live band and lots of activities for the kids and parents and at the same time raise some money to help support the school!

So, this Saturday at 9 am I will be leading my first kids 1K run and running with my kids. And if you remember, the last 1K I ran with the kids Allayna left me in the dust, so wish me luck because this time I have the opportunity to be left in the dust by a whole gaggle of kids! And if you are in the area, come and Run with the Lions with us! I can't wait to share the outcome of the event and pictures with all of you this weekend....Stay tuned! :)

Monday, February 15, 2010

Cupid's 1K Recap

Race: Cupid's 1K
Distance: 1K
Where: Bountiful, Utah
Time: Just for fun!

What a great experience....well for two of the three of us! :) Our first race as a family, the Cupid's 1K. We woke up early to lots of dark clouds and just a hint of rain, but we were still anxious to get out and run. The 1K didn't start until 10 am, but I was told we had to pick up our race packets by 8:30 (with all of the 5K runners) or we couldn't get them, and much to my dismay Bountiful does not have a day before pick-up (something they should consider). So, we had an hour and a half to kill. This isn't much fun for an adult, try being 7 and 8 and having to hang out waiting for your race to start! But the kids did pretty well and killed some time, and warmed up (according to Zayd) with a little pre-race rock climbing.

When it was finally time to line up for the start it had been raining fairly steady for the hour and a half we had been waiting, and was continuing to rain, but the kids were still very excited. I reminded both of them to not start off to fast and take it nice and easy so that they could run the whole way....and then we were off! Much to my surprise Allayna took off ahead of us and I never saw the little speed demon again until the finish line! Zayd on the other hand took off in a sprint and a few seconds later was walking next to me. It took a little prodding, but I got him to jog with me, but he didn't want to "go slow", so he took off again. And then stopped again. We did this for most of the 1K distance and as we crossed the finish line he looked at me and said "I'm never doing this again!"

So, there you have it, my big sports guy hates running! I think the only thing that got him to the finish line at all was the knowledge of the fruit, bagels and hot chocolate that were waiting there for him! :) But, there is good news in all of this, Allayna, who I would have bet money would have been the one to complain about running, absolutely LOVED it! At the end of the race she was all smiles and excited to run another race with her Mama! And so we have our next race picked out already, over the next few months mother and daughter will train together and on Saturday, July 24th we will run the Pioneer Day 5K race here in Bountiful.....and Zayd will once again be at the finish line with us, cheering us on as the two of us cross the finish line! :)

Once we got home Allayna, all smiles, went straight to the cork board that holds my race bibs and pinned her first race bib, #54, right next to mine.....a very happy day for her Mama too! Even given the fact that Zayd did not love running, we had a fabulous day together, all three of us. We were wet and cold, but happy. And I am very pleased with the new running partner I have gained and look forward to many happy days running together! Now let's just hope I can keep up with her!! :)

Friday, February 5, 2010

A Family that Runs Together!

I'm Back!! I haven't written here since my half marathon last September. With life getting a little crazy, I had lost my focus on racing a little. I've still been running, just not training, but that is all about to change! It's a new year and I have new focus. I have looked the year over and picked several races, starting in April, that I plan to train for, including my first full marathon. But, that is not going to be my first race of the year.

Over the course of the last year I have asked the kids if they would be interested in running with me and possibly even running a race or two themselves, but they never had interest and the typical response was "Mom, running just isn't for me". Well evidently the racing bug has spread through my house, because last month I got a big surprise! While entering the building for hockey practice, Zayd spotted a flyer for a Valentine's Day race held right here in Bountiful and to my surprise his response was "Mom, let's run that race together!" You couldn't have erased the smile from my face if you tried. Then, to add to my elation, Allayna piped in with "Yeah, let's do it as a family! That would be fun!" And so, to my extreme excitement, I am proud to announce that my first race of 2010 will be the 2nd annual Sweethearts Race, the Cupid's 1K.

Yes, I know, 1K?! That won't be any real challenge for me, I will probably barely break a sweat. But that is not the point of this race. I am finally getting to share my love for running with the two loves of my life, my sweethearts, my kids! And we will get to run our first race as a family, together, start to finish, on Valentine's Day weekend.

When I started this blog last year, one of my goals was to inspire others to believe in themselves and never give up on their passions, whatever they may be. It fills my heart that the two people I strive to inspire the most in life have been inspired to run with me, to share a goal and achieve it together. This may only be a 1K race, the shortest distance I will race this year, but it will definitely be the most rewarding! Now that's a Valentine's Day gift Hallmark can never out-do!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Running, Running, Running.....

One week out from my first half marathon and I feel great! I was very surprised at how quick my recovery was and although I did hurt a little on day two post race, I didn't hurt near as bad as I imagined I would.

Last week the kids returned from their vacation to Disney with Dad and I spent the week working out with weights, resistance bands and my trusty yoga ball, at home. Oh, and running.....running the kids to school, running to work, running to soccer games (yes plural), running to the grocery store, running home to make dinner, do homework and sleep! :) Unfortunately, I didn't fit in any real running this past week. But that will all change come Tuesday.

Tuesday will be my first run since the Suncrest half, and I am looking forward to getting back out on the road. This will not only be my first run since last week's half marathon, but also my first run training for my next half marathon. It will be a nice and easy run, probably 4 miles, but I can't wait to tie those shoes and hit the pavement!

And yes, I did say my next half marathon. As tough as the Suncrest race was while I was running it, the sense of accomplishment that I had afterward cannot be explained. And now, I think I have the "bug"! Just over a week out from Suncrest, I still have the adrenalin pumping through my veins, just thinking about the next race! :)

I have a few details to tie up, but my next half marathon will be the Snow Canyon Half Marathon in St. George, Utah on November 7th. I am very excited about this race and excited to start training. So, for the next six weeks I will have my eye on a new goal, to finish my second half marathon.....and set a new PR while doing it!

I also want to take a minute and thank all of my fabulous friends and family for all of the support and kind words that I have received throughout my training and after the race. My accomplishment was made all the more sweet knowing that I have such wonderful, caring people in my life. All of you are so important to me and I would never want to imagine my life with out each of you! THANK YOU!

To enjoy the flavor of life, take big bites.

-Robert Heinlein